Be Considerate

A King has ten dogs

A king had ten wild dogs. When a servant made a mistake, he would throw them to the dogs to be eaten.

So, one of the older servants did something wrong. The king ordered that he be thrown to the dogs.

The servant said, “I have served you for ten years, please give me ten days before you throw me to the dogs?” The king granted this.

In prison, the servant told the guard that he would like to serve the dogs for the next ten days.

The guard agreed, and the servant was able to feed the dogs, clean the kennel, and bathe them with all affection.

At the end of ten days, the king ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs as punishment. When he was thrown in, everyone was surprised to see the rabid dogs only licking the servant’s feet!

The king, puzzled by what he saw, said, “What has happened to my dogs?” The servant replied, “I served the dogs for only ten days and they have not forgotten my service. I served you for ten years and you forgot at my first mistake.”

The king realized his mistake and ordered that the servant be reinstated to his position.

Dedicated to all those who forget a beautiful word: “GRATITUDE.” They forget the good things a person has done and when they make a mistake, they condemn them.

The gratitude of animals is very different from that of some ungrateful human beings.

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